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Vena Customer Showcase
Gain valuable FP&A insights from Candice Hicks, Group Financial Controller at Quantios, as she talks through her Vena journey, including how it's supported Quantios through their recent growth journey.
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20 November | 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM GMT

Event Details

Group 21689


Explore how Quantios leverages Vena for financial excellence and operational success.

Group 21690


Following the discussion panel you'll have an opportunity to connect with our panelists, Vena experts and other attendees to discuss the topics in more depth.

Group 21691


The best things in life—like this event—are free. But, seating will be limited to ensure that you have a chance to participate in the discussion.

Join Finance Leaders for an insightful conversation
with Steve as your host

Steve Lockwood

Vice President - UK & Ireland

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