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Expected value (EV) is the anticipated average value for your investment at a point in the future. It’s an average—weighted by probability—of every possible value, i.e. the value you should expect after you consider every possible outcome and assign each outcome with a likelihood. It’s also referred to as mean value.
In finance, investors calculate—using events and their probabilities—the expected value of a possible investment. They’re evaluating its statistical worthiness before committing to that investment, and often, calculating and comparing the expected values of multiple investments.
Your analysts calculate expected values in scenario analysis. The probabilities in your calculations are informed by objective information and assumptions, which give more accurate data to your analysts for their budgets and forecasts, and to your organizational leaders for their data-driven planning.
Analyze your investments’ expected values with this free What-if Analysis Template for Excel.
In this scenario, there are three projects your business can launch. You only have funding to launch one. Which should you fund?
EV (Project A) = [1.0 * $3,000,000] = $3,000,000
EV (Project B) = [0.1 * $4,000,000] + [0.9 * $3,000,000] = $3,100,000
EV (Project C) = [0.1 * $4,000,000] + [0.7 * $3,000,000] + [0.2 * $2,000,000] = $2,700,000
Project B achieves the highest expected value. You should fund Project B.
Calculating expected values tells you which of your investment options will generate the best ROI. Your assignment of probabilities and weights—based on objective information and your assumptions— in your financial models will inform you of where to invest.
Stay ahead of change with Vena’s Scenario Planning and Analysis Software. Look into the future, analyze the impact of changes to your investments and determine where to make your next investment.