Learn how Vena reduces budgeting, reporting, and analysis times by 50%.
Use this template to determine the overall health and profitability of an investment, leveraging NPV and IRR data based on specific criteria.
Accurately calculate both NPV and IRR for any given property to measure profitability of a project based on future cash flows
Easily customize critical variables such as unit numbers, rent increases, occupancy rates and more to create more precise models of each development.
Ensure consistency across all project evaluation using the same metrics which simultaneously helps to enhance transparency.
Download your free Excel templates and start getting more time back in your day so you can focus on planning for tomorrow.
Plan operating expenses by category and use our dashboard to compare expenses across prior year, current year and plan year.
Use this Budget vs. Actual Template to calculate and visualize variance across different timeframes and accounts.
Track new and existing assets, choose from various depreciation methods and more with our free CapEx Budgeting Template.